
The fundraising industry holds significant potential for the blockchain sector, and a partnership between the two can yield substantial benefits for both. At Charity NFT Labs, our mission is to empower charities of all sizes by leveraging blockchain technology to create and sell licensed unique NFT collections.

Blockchain is rapidly revolutionizing traditional fundraising, and the meteoric rise of NFTs in 2021, with record revenues, demonstrates their immense utility and appeal. By integrating charity fundraising into the NFT space, we aim to overcome the regulatory barriers of cryptocurrency donations and facilitate secure, regulated funding transfers, creating a seamless and impactful fundraising experience.

Join us in transforming charity fundraising with the power of blockchain and NFTs.

Core Values

  • Accessibility: We strive to make blockchain technology accessible to all charities, regardless of their size, location, or cause.
  • Community: Our success is built on community, valuing the heroes within our network, including the charities we support.
  • Sustainability: We are committed to ensuring our overall environmental impact is positive.


Charity NFT Series

Whilst introducing the charity sector, and their stakeholders, into blockchain technology, mainly through NFT’s need to look at the possible ways of enticing this new audience to enter the NFT market, by looking at the tried and tested traditional ways charities have already had positive results at adopting mass participation. Success has traditionally been found in collections of badges, pins, stickers etc…  We will closely with the individual charities to make sure each offering is tailored to their market share; this will consider the size of their donor pool and average donation. This will mean style, rarity and value will vary to create maximum fundraising and exposure potential.

Special Editions

Charity NFT Labs will also be launching a series of special edition NFT’s, the first of which will be the “Original Hero” NFT which will be airdropped to all who take part in the HERO presale, future editions in this series will be issued to fundraise to raise aid for disaster victims.

Charity NFT Series Tax – 10%

  • 5% – Buy Back and Burn $HERO
  • 3% – Charity of the Month Pot
  • 2% – Development

HERO Token

The HERO utility token has been created with the intention to support our DAO system, our team here is a very small minority in HERO’s ecosystem and there for we believe that it is not for us to decide what charity we will donate funds to, every monthly donation will be picked by our HERO holders through a series of votes via the governance system, leading to the top 3 charities getting a proportion of funding allocated to them.

The Burn Feature

To ensure the sustainability of the $HERO utility token, we have designed a strategic burn feature. Instead of incorporating it into the token tax, we plan to reduce the token tax over time (not before 24 months) as the project becomes more sustainable by NFT revenue. This adjustment will enable listing on top exchanges. The burn mechanism will be embedded in our partnered NFT series, with 5% of each transaction allocated to buying and burning $HERO tokens. This feature will apply to both initial and secondary sales, ensuring ongoing token reduction.

Contract Address



Total Supply – 200,000,000,000

  • 70% – Presale & Liquidity (140,000,000,000)
  • 5% – Development (10,000,000,000)
  • 5% – Marketing (10,000,000,000)
  • 5% – Partners (10,000,000,000)
  • 15% – Staking Rewards (30,000,000,000)

Token Tax (Buy & Sell)

Total Tax – 10%

  • 3% – Charity of the Month Pot
  • 3% – Back to Holders
  • 2% – Liquidity
  • 2% – Development

Audits & Security

Contact security is paramount to us, so as well as using industry leading solidity writers to create our contracts we also make sure they are audited for your peace of mind.

Security Audit Complete – https://github.com/TechRate/Smart-Contract-Audits/blob/main/October_2022/Charity%20NFT%20Labs.pdf


Brand Positioning

  • Mission Statement: Establish Charity NFT Labs as the leading platform integrating blockchain technology with charity fundraising, emphasizing transparency, efficiency, and community involvement.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Highlight the platform’s unique approach to charity through NFTs, its governance model, and the sustainability feature of the $HERO token.

Target Audience

  • Primary Audience: Charitable organizations looking for innovative fundraising methods, crypto enthusiasts interested in social impact, and NFT collectors.
  • Secondary Audience: General public interested in philanthropy, tech-savvy millennials, and social media influencers.

Content Creation

  • Educational Content: Create blog posts, videos, and infographics explaining how blockchain and NFTs can revolutionize charity fundraising.
  • Case Studies: Showcase success stories of charities that have benefited from using the platform.
  • Webinars and AMAs: Host regular webinars and Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions to engage with the community and provide updates.

Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Charity Partnerships: Collaborate with reputable charities to create exclusive NFT collections and campaigns.
  • Crypto Partnerships: Partner with other blockchain projects, exchanges, and NFT platforms for cross-promotional activities.
  • Corporate Sponsorships: Engage with businesses looking to enhance their corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs through innovative charity solutions.

Social Media Engagement

  • Platforms: Focus on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Telegram.
  • Content Plan: Share regular updates, educational content, behind-the-scenes looks, and user testimonials.
  • Campaigns: Launch social media campaigns around major events, NFT drops, and fundraising milestones.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers in the crypto, tech, and charity sectors to amplify the message.

Community Building

  • Online Community: Build a strong online presence on Telegram, where users can discuss, share ideas, and get support.
  • DAO Participation: Encourage token holders to participate in the DAO, vote on proposals, and get involved in decision-making processes.
  • Events and Meetups: Organize virtual and physical events, meetups, and conferences to foster a sense of community and belonging.

Marketing Automation and Analytics

  • Email Marketing: Develop a robust email marketing strategy to keep the community informed about updates, events, and opportunities.
  • Analytics: Utilize tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and blockchain analytics to monitor performance, understand user behavior, and optimize strategies accordingly.

Public Relations and Media Outreach

  • Press Releases: Regularly distribute press releases about major milestones, partnerships, and achievements.
  • Media Coverage: Seek coverage in mainstream media, crypto news sites, and charity publications to reach a broader audience.
  • Thought Leadership: Contribute articles and participate in interviews to establish the founders and key team members as thought leaders in the blockchain and charity spaces.

Road Maps


Q3 - 2024

  • Launch of $HERO utility token.
  • Initial exchange listings and partnerships.
  • Token burn feature integration in NFT transactions.

Q4 - 2024​

  • Development and implementation of DAO governance.
  • Community building and engagement activities.

Q1 - 2025

  • Expansion of exchange listings.
  • Strategic marketing campaigns to increase token adoption.

Q2 - 2025

  • Reduction of token tax, beginning the phased decrease.
  • Enhanced liquidity pool development.

Q3 - 2025

  • Zero token tax implementation by end of year.
  • Continuous improvement and feature updates.


Q3 - 2024

  • Launch of first NFT series with partner charities.
  • Establishment of NFT marketplace.

Q4 - 2024​

  • Introduction of secondary market sales with integrated burn feature.
  • Expansion of partnerships with additional charities.

Q1 - 2025

  • Creation of exclusive NFT collections for major charity events.
  • Enhanced marketing for NFT campaigns.

Q2 - 2025

  • Integration of new utility features for NFTs.
  • Expansion of NFT marketplace functionalities.

Q3 - 2025

  • Ongoing release of themed NFT series.
  • Continuous enhancement of NFT features and community engagement.


Q3 - 2024

  • Launch of Charity NFT Labs platform.
  • Basic features for NFT creation, listing, and sales.

Q4 - 2024​

  • Development of advanced features (e.g., auction system, user profiles).
  • Integration with multiple blockchains for broader access.

Q1 - 2025

  • Launch of mobile application.
  • Enhanced security features and audit processes.

Q2 - 2025

  • Full implementation of DAO for platform governance.
  • Expansion of platform services and tools for charities

Q3 - 2025

  • Continuous platform optimization and feature updates.
  • Strategic partnerships with tech and charity organizations for platform growth.


Front Facing Team


The passion and drive behind Charity NFT Labs and will be leading the team. Craig is educated to degree level in IT and Business Strategies, he also has over 20 years’ experience in management and project development which has been applied in the blockchain industry over the past three years with focus on developing marketing strategies for multimillion dollar NFT and crypto projects.


Zoe is our Superhero, she will be there day to day in the community helping keep it a pleasant environment to be, ans will be acquiring and building a team to increase and engage the community around the clock.

Behind the Scenes

We have a team with 20+ years’ experience in the industry, this team will be concentrating on building and improving our token and NFT dApps and creating partnerships with key companies and influencers the blockchain stratosphere. As top professionals in their industry these guys like to work without the distraction of over keen investors. To allow them to complete their work at maximum capacity all external communications will be performed through our front facing team.

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