Quick Guide

  • Head to PancakeSwap
  • Connect wallet
  •  Select $HERO in the TO box
  • Set slippage to 11%
  • Approve transction
  • You are now a $HERO

Are you ready to be a hero?

Are new to Crtpto and/or the BNB Chain?

Follow our easy guide to getting set up.

Create and set up new wallet

Go to the Metamask website. https://metamask.io/ and click on Download

Select what device you want to download to and click “Install Metamak for Device”

Select “Add to Firefox”



Click on the metamask icon in the top right corner and press the get started button

To create a wallet, click Get Started then I Agree

Set new password and confirm

Watch video to learn about your seed phrase (this is very important). Then click Next

Record your secret phrase, you will need this for the next screen, and click next

Now enter your seed phrase in the correct order and confirm

Click All Done.

You now have a wallet, now it just needs configuring to th BNB Chain Network

Configure Wallet to BNB Chain

Head towards the top leftof your screen and select the Etherium button, then select Add Network

Fill in theNetwork settings as below

     Network Name:          Smart Chain

     New RPC URL:             https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/

     ChainID:                      56

     Symbol:                       BNB

     Block Explorer URL:    https://bscscan.com

Then Save

You now are set up to the BNB Network. (Also know as the Smart Chain)

Add BNB to your wallet

Head over to the ChangeNow website. – https://changenow.io/

Select Buy/Sell Crypto

Set your prefered currency in the You Pay box and enter the cash value you wish to purchase

In the You Get box Click on BTC and select BNB (BSC)

Hit the Buy button


Click on your metamask simbol in the top right corner and click on your wallet address (this will copy it to your clipboard)

Paste in to Recipient Wallbox

Select your prefered Payment Offer (Normally the one wich is best value)

Click Next


Wait a few of seconds to be redirected and choose preferred payment method and complete payment.

Note: you may have to complete a few security steps to complete payment. This process should take no longer than 5 minutes